When life is busy, sometimes I neglect the little things. In this case, the little one being my son Collin. This past Tuesday, I didn't have any appointments so we decided to have a father/son day and go to the San Antonio Zoo.
This was Collin's second visit to the zoo. He has a book of zoo animals, and it's one of his favorite books, so he was really excited to go visit the animals again. He just turned three, so it was also a good excuse for me to take my backup camera and take some pictures of him.
Photographers call it "chimping". It's when a photographer looks at the picture he just took on the LCD display on the back of the camera. I try not to do it much. I've seen some photographers do it after every shot. I admit I chimped this shot. I knew my light looked good, and the pose looked great. I wanted to see if I nailed it. I was so excited when I saw it, I showed it to the bride. I like to think that she had the same feeling I did. In the window light, she looked absolutely stunning. It's been almost a week that I've been looking at it, and I think it's my best bridal portrait ever.