Wednesday, October 30, 2013

San Antonio Wedding Jeff and Jessica

Jessica is a lot like me. She's a planner. Everything was planned, everything was scheduled, all the pieces were in place. Then the day of the wedding, a monkey wrench has to fall into the motor. Thank GOD it wasn't me as the monkey wrench this time. The makeup team was running a little behind. They arrived an hour late, and since there three girls plus the bride that got hair and makeup.... well, we didn't leave for the venue on time. It was over an hour and half later than she planned. As I was photographing the bridal prep, I could see the stress building in her eyes. Usually when I arrive at the venue, I like to scout things out, set up my light stands and tripod for the group pictures, etc. The bridal party (and me) arrived at the venue and we had five minutes before the ceremony started. I had time to get my camera out of the case and turn it on. Even with all the stress and late schedule, it was a beautiful wedding. Jeff is all Army, and all business. He's a big guy.... but you should see his eyes when he looks at Jessica.

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